Total annihilation core contingency
Total annihilation core contingency

total annihilation core contingency total annihilation core contingency

While Battle Tactics is certainly a strong product by typical standards, it is disappointing in light of Total Annihilation's ambitious history. Anyone who's still playing Total Annihilation presumably knows the ropes by now. Between its late arrival and its proclaimed purpose as an instructional tool, Battle Tactics won't appeal or impress.

total annihilation core contingency

Its problem isn't as specific as it is fundamental. Unfortunately, the second add-on isn't much of an encore. Meanwhile, the first official Total Annihilation add-on, The Core Contingency, offered a whopping 75 new units, and much more single- and multiplayer action, and was heralded as being among the all-time best supplements for a real-time strategy game. But even in the face of a major hit, Cavedog didn't rest on its laurels: It offered new units for download on a weekly basis, more multiplayer maps, and an editor, all to help fans maintain interest. With well over 100 units and two long single-player campaigns, Total Annihilation offered so much more than its competition that it compelled gamers to take a closer look, where they found a game whose quality matched its scope. The success of Total Annihilation, Cavedog's 3D real-time strategy game, must be attributed in part to its sheer size.

Total annihilation core contingency